01 December 2011

Twenty Eight: Thankful

I had been planning November 27th 2011 for so long that when the restaurant manager at Southern Sun called me that morning trying to be difficult, I was not having any of it. At all.

Neither was I having it when the cake lady decided to catch an attitude about her own problems.

The amazing cake. Southern Red Velvet from Cake Flair

Even though they decided to try themselves and all, the brunch happened, karaoke happened and  my favorite people were present - including my parents who have not been at any of my birthday celebrations since I moved back almost five years ago (for various reasons)

I really had an AMAZING birthday this year. I am grateful to God for His mercies and blessings on my life. I am most grateful for the friends and family he has blessed me with.

I am now 28. The journey continues.

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