23 November 2011

My Chevy

I drive a Chevrolet. It makes me want to cry.

My Chevy sounds like an airplane sometimes and at the moment it is costing me waaaaay too much money. Sometimes, I want to just abandon it somewhere, you know, just dump it and walk away.

The problem is I loved my car once upon a time.
It will turn six in December and if you ask me, I think it needs to be retired soon.

I had my car serviced in October because it was acting up seriously and making a very embarrassing noise. Ten days later, I got stranded on Queens Drive on my way home. Apparently, the hose popped off and as a result the car overheated and well, the engine shut down.

So, I got my Dad's mechanic to come and look at it. He fixed it. Then, it started to misbehave a few days after. Then it decided to have a full-blown relapse.
It was early Sunday morning on Ozumba and the thermometer suddenly went all the way to the right. I started praying and turned into the Mobil filling station. Thankfully, the "specialist" was available even though it was a Sunday.

After that incident, everything was fine and dandy until last Monday evening.

I was driving home and my car suddenly started making a noise. From experience, I was able to determine that the noise was coming from the fan belt. I was so mad, I was laughing. You see, I got my fan belt replaced in October when it went to be serviced. I know that fan belts generally last longer than a month so I think my anger is justifiable.

So as I write, I am car-less, relying on the goodwill of friends and family members. I hate feeling like a burden on other people.

My birthday is in four days. I NEED to have my car working by then. Otherwise, I envision it being slightly difficult to properly enjoy myself (and it will mean having to spend more money than I had planned on car hire or something).

For the past six months, I have been going over the various possible options of sorting out this car problem. Not that I can currently afford it but there's no harm in planning ahead. The available financing options and the car vendors are a topic for another day.

Keeping my fingers crossed that My Chevy pulls through intact from the operation it may need to undergo tomorrow and rides with me through my birthday weekend.

It's retirement date is not up just yet.

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