23 August 2011

Are crushes still legit/recognized?

Like really....
At what age is it no longer acceptable to have a crush?

The Urban Dictionary defines a crush as a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special

In secondary school, that was life. Crushes were the thing. I don't know what the kids of nowadays call their little feelings of puppy love but I am sure that most of them matured quicker than we did - thanks to TV, internet and the wonderful social networks.

So, at the ripe age of twenty-seven (Lord, I hate having to admit that I'm in my late twenties), I think I have developed something that feels like a crush. Heck, I KNOW I have a crush. *sigh*

Nothing serious. Just those puppy-dog, foolish, jittery, infatuation- like feelings....yup, all those wonderful crush-y things that I probably swore a million times as a teenager that I would never allow to happen to me again unless reciprocity was guaranteed.

Here's the thing: I  believe I am allowed to rationalize these feelings and legitimize them completely because he flirted first. 
And I'm single. 
And he's hot (*swoon*)
And I am chief flirt of....basically anywhere - just ask any of my friends.

Remember when we had Slum/Slam books in secondary school?
I was so distraught in JSS 2 when the books were being passed round and my name kept appearing for Biggest Flirt. I was mortified.

Now, call me a flirt and I'll probably just tell you: well, you want me to teach you?

Anyway, as is the case with adults, I think I have started to over-think this thing and have started to feel that somewhere between the initial flirting and the establishment of attraction, something has gone wrong...

Maybe it was my flu. Or maybe I was too forward. Or maybe I said something inappropriate. Or maybe he doesn't know that I am the most coded person on this planet. The "Or maybes" are plenty....

What I do remember about crushes is that there are two possible endings: 1. The crush dissipates usually because whoever you are crushing on doesn't feel the same way....OR 2. The crush develops into something more concrete usually because whoever you are crushing on acknowledges and feels the same way.

Can you now see why I feel that this crush is rational and legit?

Of this I am sure: That  this thing that is trying to turn me into a googly-eyed school girl will not get the better of me like the unforgiving flu I just had...

I just wonder how many doses of medicine it'll take to cure me completely.

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